Welcome to Mount Joy Missionary Baptist Church website.We are located in Edwardsville, Illinois. We are so excited you have taken the time to check out our website. Our site gives a wonderful overview of what is happening in the life of our church. We invite you to come and experience Mt. Joy first hand.

Worship Is What We Do
We Come To Praise You....

To "Love God with all your heart" is "WORSHIP"
God's Presence
To "Love your neighbor as yourself" is "MINISTRY"
God's Love
To "Go... make disciples" is "EVANGELISM"
God's Word
God's Family
To "Teach them...all things" is "DISCIPLESHIP"
God's People

Statement Of Faith
Religious, Moral & Spiritual Growth
God is the creator of Heaven and Earth and everything therein.
Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, is God's only begotten Son.
Jesus died without sin to pay the price for our sins.
After Jesus was crucified, He arose on the third day.
Jesus lives in Heaven at the right hand of Father, God.
The Holy Spirit is real, and if we yield to God's spirit, we are filled and controlled by the Him.
The Holy Spirit draws us to God, unites us with Christ in the new birth, witnesses to us about our salvation, give us power to witness, gives us power to live, teaches us the things of God, and makes intercession for us in prayer.
God calls for each of us to repent of sin and to trust Jesus as our Savior.
We are called to go into all the world and to make disciples of all men.

Worship Service
Bible Study Wednesdays @ Noon (Zoom)
Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting @ 6:00pm
Sunday School @ 9:30am (In Person & Zoom)
Sunday Service @ 11:00am (In Person & Zoom)
Tithes and Offering
Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the first fruits of all your increase.- Proverbs 3: NKJV